DLE – openness to uncertainty the best way to realize your potential


Summary : the homeopathic and allopathic law of attraction and cure / Affirmations like  “I want this …” or “I don’t want that …..” mostly have an opposite result / our Americanized wish-full thinking culture /

Purpose : How to make the polarity law information useful to create affirmations and wishes / Uncertainty is the very foundation of life and how  attitude and understanding of it can change your life and be the best protection / Developing awareness of informational obstacles to the experience of ONENESS

“Dreams and Wishes never come true”

This is what the author of “Transurfing reality” writes, which is so opposite to what our Americanized culture wants us to believe.

Remember the American dream “If you want to upgrade from dish-washer to Hotel owner you can – DO IT YOURSELF” and the new bestseller “THE SECRET” sell the same dogma in a new packaging “The universe is following the LAW OF ATTRACTION  what you really want/ wish/ dream/ visualize can only come true – YOU CAN DO IT” and if it does not happen, deep down you do not want it….. you think you do not deserve it, …. You are self-sabotaging.

There a two basic laws 1. THE HOMEOPATHIC “like attracts/ cures like “ and 2. THE ALHOPHATIC “opposites attract/ cure each other”.

FEAR is very often the basis of attracting exactly what you fear, does not matter what you  do to avoid it or as the SUFI saying goes :


We had a good example here last month, Debora has a fear of houses on the hill, and if you would know the power of most rainfalls here in Brazil you could understand why. Therefore when we were looking for a new home we quickly skipped all the houses that did not seem to have super-solid foundations and finally decided with one that although being on a slope, had apparently very strong walls around it and we spend 6 month a lot of money to re-enforce these walls. When this project was almost finished one tremendous rain made the new wall collapse and mud gushing down the hill almost taking the  house with it.

https://inergetixforum.com/wp-content/uploads/P1152223-300x74.jpg 300w, https://inergetixforum.com/wp-content/uploads/P1152223-1024x253.jpg 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 3328px) 100vw, 3328px" />

after a month of repair the new wall is half-way up already..... fear made even the "walls of Jericho" fall ... learn how to go beyond wishful thinking and fearful praying

On the other hand, we know many cases where people have positive convictions and know for example that “money will always come” and it comes ….there is no question that “they get the parking space right where they want it” and they always get it.

The first is an example of Informational Information which as I said follows the law of Polarity and the second is Spiritual Information which follows ONENESS.

First step to understand this is to realize how much we are infected with the American virus ME, ME, ME ….. “IF ANYONE CAN DO IT, IT IS ME” or a few affirmations that represent this informational concept:

  1. For you cannot live in someone else. You cannot find yourself in someone else. You cannot be given a life by someone else. Of all the people you will know in a lifetime, you are the only one you will never leave nor lose.
  2. It is a delight to discover people who are worthy of respect, admiration, and love, but it is vital to believe yourself posses these qualities.
  3. To the question of your life, you are the only answer. To the problems of your life, you are the only solution.

THIS IS WHAT I CALL THE AMERICAN SUPER-EGO trip…. And certainly what they are reaping now is a result of this. In the beginning however this was a healthy reaction/ escape/ transformation/ DLE to the stagnant concept of 16th and 17th and 18th century Europe that your fate is decreed by god and society on you, was what you had to live.

Now as with every religion/ dogma/ idea we have come to the other extreme and “THE SECRET” is a wonderful example …. No exceptions, no doubts, no questions ….. a WE KNOW IT ALL and WE HAVE THE ANSWER FOR YOU attitude….. in short no DLE allowed. Answers however that are closer to the truth always leave room for uncertainty, questions, doubt, exceptions, different categories and scenarios.

Then there is the other big group of people who pray and go to church for one single reason : “To make their life more secure and get the things they want” so the pray “GIVE ME THIS and GIVE ME THAT and PROTECT ME AND ALL I LOVE FROM EVERYTHING BAD” they try to get at church the x% extra security that their family/ bank account/ insurance company cannot provide them.

NOW God built in all these disasters, losses, diseases, misfortunes not because he made a mistake, not because he could not make a world that could provide complete certainty and security or because he wants to punish those who  do not believe in him or make up for the “original sin of Eva”.

Uncertainty is the very foundation of this world, no matter how much we like it or how much we try to escape it. If we finally learn not only to accept uncertainty but to cherish  and to live it, DLE turns from a threat to a life-giving principle.

Uncertainty makes us explorers, it makes us open and creative to live new possibilities as they open up, it makes us humble and most of all it makes us hungry for the only true certainty that there is… as Hafiz said

“One thing is certain and all the rest is lies”

And this certainty is the experience of ONENESS.

We do not realize how much this aim for ONENESS is being compromised with affirmations like these :

  1. I accept complete responsibility for everything I think, say, feel, and do.
  2. I am able to manage myself. I do not require instruction every step of the way.
  3. I know myself well and still expect to find hidden talents, resources, strengths, weaknesses, energy, and interests.

The move from Self-centered-ness to ONENESS does not come when your EN-lightened this is a DLE that it built into the four-foldedness, the Quadtrinity of existence. However we have to see when we or one of our clients has become stuck on one or the other side of this polarity either by complete dependence/ addiction/ believe in his “DO IT YOURSELF” ability/ responsibility or in the self-forgetting/ mother-theresa spirit of the ONENESS seeker.

How to formulate an affirmation is an art-form that we are only re-learning and for which the CoRe system is an invaluable tool.

What I wanted to show with this post is that “I want this …” or “I don’t want that …..” type of affirmations are mostly having an opposite result.

Now lets end with a conclusion that for most of you will be hard to digest although it was certainly a common attitude before the advent of the USA culture. If we accept that most people wish for things their whole life and in most (not all) the opposite comes true or persists we can possibly agree to what Vadim said “Wishes and Dreams never come true” but they constantly try to create and excess potential (with wishing and desiring) and all natural laws are geared, made to neutralize/ level/ equalize unevenness.

How can you make an affirmation that is the opposite of what you hope for in  order that the law of polarity can get you what you wish:

Certainly not by affirming “I want my house slide down the hill” but how about this :

“If god wants it is fine with me if the house is washed down”

1.And this way we do not pray for a certainty and protection that is an illusion and that is not the plan of creation but  instead we become humble recipient and understand that there is a authority ONENESS that I eventually have to obey or as Rilke said

“Wenn wir am Ende der grimmigen Einsicht Jubel und Rum aufsingen zustimmenden Engeln”

2.Also we accept uncertainty with this kind of attitude and even actively take risks as for example that you take the step NOW to make a reservation for the AIM training no matter how many factors you are still uncertain about…. because remember… “if you wait or pray for CERTAINTY you will be waiting all your life…. and it will pass unused”

3.And we do not suppress all the possibilities that our life may still turn into

4.And we formulate our biggest fears that informational laws will help to make the opposite come true is not opposed to the PLAN

Or in simple words, as the most universal generic affirmation, that we all have to re-learn



About Author

Inergetix, Inc. founder and chief scientist.

1 Comment

  1. Dear Kiran,
    I found the following article from Kevin Schoeninger about the “Core possibilities” which resonates with your post:
    “We live in a consumer society. From a young age, we are taught that what we need is “out there” and it is up to us to go out and get it. We are trained to get an education, to find the right relationship, and to get a career that pays well, so we can buy all the things we need for a good life. This is our dominant cultural model.
    We are trained from a young age to be consumers rather than creators. We are told that the things that we need and desire are outside ourselves. All we need, then, is purchasing power. With this “outer” focus, it’s easy to become mistakenly obsessed with money.
    Armed with enough money, some of the things we seek are quite simple and basic–like food, shelter, and clothing. These are obvious needs that we need to learn to acquire “out in the world.”
    We are also trained that we need insurance for peace of mind, doctors, drugs, and surgery to make us well, anti-depressants to make us happy, alcohol to relax and have fun, and perfume or the right deodorant to attract our soul mate. Even, when it comes to something that is so clearly and undeniably an inner skill such as meditation, we’re told that we can purchase technology, put on headphones, and have it done it for us.
    Yet somehow, no matter how much money we make, no matter how many things we have, no matter how much insurance we buy, no matter what we have–it’s never enough. In the end, none of these things make us feel happy, healthy, loved, or fulfilled. Ultimately, none of them deliver what they promise.
    The reason is because we have the order backwards. We are looking to things outside ourselves to give us inner experiences. Health, happiness, love, and fulfillment are inner experiences. If these are what we truly want, we must cultivate them directly and internally. When we do that, the outside will take care of itself. Outer circumstances and conditions are the result of inner qualities and experiences.
    Now, some programs have gotten on to this approach. It is now becoming common to hear that to change the outer results in our lives we need to change what is happening inside. “The Secret” is a great example of this. Yet, while there is much good merit in these new approaches, and they are the first important step, there are some elements in the “You create your life” approach that can leave us just as confused and overwhelmed as we were before.
    For one thing, it is often claimed that “you can be, do, and have anything that you want–that you are a being of infinite possibilities.” At a spiritual level, outside of space and time, this may be true. However, in this world, here and now, we are living in bodies with certain potentials for a certain period of time.
    You are here for a few very specific purposes. You are not here to do anything at all, or anything you want, or infinite possibilities, but to do some very specific things. I call these your Core Possibilities. Right here and now, in this moment, there is one thing that is right for you. This is your Core Possibility in this moment.
    The task then becomes discerning that possibility and fully actualizing it. When you accurately discern your one Core possibility right here and now, and take effective action to bring that to fruition, you will experience the health, happiness, love, and success that you are here to experience. You will experience the life you are meant to live.”
    Can’t you find your Core possibility? An obvious method should be a CoRe analysis !
    Best regards,

    Kiran’s Comment :

    nice coincidence that he calls it Core possibility…… for me it is all
    even much more simple …you have to take a risk … mountain climbing is a beautiful symbol and for some it is the informational answer to make their potential a reality

    CoRe is shocking at best when it presents you possibilities you never dared to consider… but much better than that it helps you on an informational level to take the steps that deep down you know you have to make

    Be open… out in the unprotected informational space and the best of your potentials is coming your way… this is the oldest of all teachings and the one which we always tried to not hear…. all in us is objecting to DLE/ insecurity/ unpredictability and this is the simple reason why the SECRET is not in wishful thinking and visualizing but in being open to
    change/ the unpredictable by allowing DLE elements like the CoRe to
    show the way

Dear Friends and Customers

I am sorry to inform you that I have broken-up business relations with Andrea Gadducci and his company Biot Srl.

After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.

Until we have decided this matter in court i have to warn you not to buy from Andrea - as these goods might be later declared as stolen and you might loose the money you spend.

However I can offer you to buy directly from me and get a 10% discount to what Andrea quotes you. Please contact me at [email protected]

Thank you for your support in this DLE

Kiran Schmidt