An orderly heartbeat – indicator of good health ?



“When the heart is beating smooth and ordered and with a coherent beat all organs beat in rythm to it. “

Kiran : Most don’t realize that the believe that coherence/ alignment/ synchronization is the best status of health, —— is simply the clock-work idea in different words. Here the idea of the Dynamic Labile Equilibrium DLE, to be the most universal definition of health, takes a new approach. Imagine the slogan of UPS  “We synchronize the world” …. but is this what we believe it the best for of health also ? It is certainly good for delivering parcels on time, or for the military to turn people into robots that are “marching smooth and ordered and with a coherent beat” of their legs. It was the obvious aim of US policy to turn the world in a clockwork that ticks with its own beat,…… it is the idea of gene manipulation to create identical plants that are synchronized to the max…. but do we think this is good health or that the Heart and nature has not found a more successful approach. The idea that the heart is “the general”,  the receiver of messages and is then forcing the organism into an ordered pattern, comes from this misconception. What is exciting, that we know from HRV “Heart Rate Variability” measurements that an “ordered” pattern of the heart is the best indicator of serious impending health issues and possibly heart-attack, and this again shows the validity of the DLE principle.


About Author

Inergetix, Inc. founder and chief scientist.

1 Comment

  1. Indeed, this is exactly true! Not two heart beats are the same. This can easily be demonstrated,, especially with some tools of new physics such as Global Scaling.
    If we want to set up a fundamental fractal to investigate heart beats, we first of all calculate the natural logarithm (ln) of the f/fo, or ln( 1,1166/1,425 x 10^24 ).
    1,1166, being the number of heart beats per second, based on a heart beat of 67 beats per minute, and 1,425 x 10^24 being the natural frequency of the proton.
    Ln( 1,1166/1,425 x 10^24 gives us -55,5, which is not a proton main resonance, but a faze moved part, which explains perfectly the large frequency variability and turbulent behaviour.
    Therefore, it is impossible to obtain a laminar behaviour of the heart beat. If this would be the case, the heartbeat pulse would disappear into one of the “black holes”, left or right of the blue region, meaning physical death.

    Willy De Maeyer

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Thank you for your support in this DLE

Kiran Schmidt