Radionik evolution 1947 – 2009






In 1947 Bruce Copen developed one of the first radionic devices based on the wrong perception that diseases could be analyzed and healed from a distance by using radio signals.

In 1961 Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, took advantage of most peoples’ naïve faith in technology of with an ohm-meter which he called E-Meter to detect psychological weaknesses and recruit new members.

In 1977 leading scientologists refined this deception with an oscillating circuit without any technical function which was called bioresonance device – they continued in their attempt to make it look like a physical method by connecting the patient to a cable.

In 2009 Harald Rauer developed a bioresonsnace device without any oscillating circuits or cables – mere laying-on of hands is sufficient for medical diagnosis – and, furthermore, he even succeeded to convince MedCert in Hamburg to certify the unit as medical device.


Open letter to MedCert, Hamburg – August 2010

Dear Mr. Frank Wilmerstaedt und Mr. Ziel,


Since you have ignored all my e-mails in the last two month and after I spoke to your representative for public relations on the phone and only received a one-line message from you, I would like to post my questions here publicly again  because I think that that might be the only way to get any information.

MedCert is a notified body supervised by the ZLS The original purpose of such institutions was to protect consumers from unsafe or ineffective medical products. With the following questions and the lack of answers to them from your side I will show that you fail to pursue this aim.

1. I have sent you the declaration of conformity below several times, asking whether it was authentic because that would be a procedural error from your part since declarations of conformity are never issued by a notified body but always by the manufacturer himself – I received no answer to this question even though it does not belong into the category of confidential information.

See below

2. I informed you that, as far as I know, this is the first BIORESONANCE device receiving a certification as medical product and asked whether you knew that bioresonance has not been scientifically recognized so far – I received no answer to this question even though it does not belong into the category of confidential information.


3. Furthermore I asked whether you knew that bioresonance was introduced by leading scientologists almost 50 years ago as an extension of the E-Meter developed by Ron Hubbard (founder of Scientology), a simple device for measuring skin resistance, that is always used to recruit new members in order to take advantage of most peoples’ naïve faith in technology – I received no answer to this question even though it does not belong into the category of confidential information.

“Due to a lack of scientific proof of the effectiveness of the biophysical treatment concept, bioresonance therapy has been excluded in Germany from eligibility for reimbursement by the Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss of doctors and health insurance companies.

In order to distance themselves from Scientology several major associations of therapists changed their names in the 90s and eliminated the word “bioresonance”.”

4. I also wanted to know why this device has been classified by you as bioresonance device even though it doesn’t contain any electrodes or electric circuits, which are part of bioresonance devices by definition – I received no answer to this question even though it does not belong into the category of confidential information.


In the attached offer letter it is even clearly stated that no current is running through the patient’s body. I can only assume that you would not certify a system as medical technology that works merely by “laying-on of hands”.


5. I also asked whether you knew that the applicant for this medical technology certification is Mr. Harald Rauer, owner of the oldest manufacturers of radionics devices, and that the Cybertrone has all characteristics of radionic devices (no electrodes, several health statements can be made without an electric circuit), and that radionics has never been scientifically recognized even though it has been practiced for more than 100 years – this question possibly falls into the category of confidentiality.


6. I also wanted to know whether any sample analyses were conducted and whether you didn’t find it strange that there is no reproducibility at all – this question possibly falls into the category of confidentiality


I has asked your representative for public relations to be called back by Mr. Wilmerstaedt or another person in charge. However, your contact for public relations told me very clearly that MedCert prompted Aussiemed to remove the documents from their website and that this solves the matter for MedCert.

Is it really the purpose of your mission to resolve serious objections regarding the correctness of a certification by removing the documents from public view while the manufacturer can keep offering a radionics box at more than 15,000 Euros while deceiving the user who rightly trusts into the 93-42-EEC Mark?

Kiran Schmidt


About Author

Inergetix, Inc. founder and chief scientist.

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Dear Friends and Customers

I am sorry to inform you that I have broken-up business relations with Andrea Gadducci and his company Biot Srl.

After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.

Until we have decided this matter in court i have to warn you not to buy from Andrea - as these goods might be later declared as stolen and you might loose the money you spend.

However I can offer you to buy directly from me and get a 10% discount to what Andrea quotes you. Please contact me at [email protected]

Thank you for your support in this DLE

Kiran Schmidt