The Healing Power – Color



Color Is A Power Which Directly Influences The Soul – Wassily Kandinsky

The environment we live in is made up of millions of different colors. Some of them are static and self-chosen like the color on your bedroom walls, the color of your car and other accessories. On the other hand, some of them are dynamic and ever-changing like the color of the sky. Colors have meanings that your conscious as well as the subconscious mind is capable of deciphering.

Scientifically, light is defined as the origin of all colors. The light is naturally white. When it falls on different objects, it is reflected. However, when and if the reflection is complete (that is whatever light falls on the object is reflected back in full), the object appears white. But if the reflection is incomplete, we see different colors depending on the parts of light that are reflected.

The conventional scientists say that light is a combination of colors – popularly abbreviated as the VIBGYOR (Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red). At all times, the light has all these colors travelling at the same time at different frequencies – the different frequencies explain the different colors. These colors are intricately intertwined which makes it impossible to observe the light components individually. So the light naturally appears white.

Objects have the tendency to absorb these light frequencies selectively depending on the material. The frequencies that are absorbed no longer play a part in defining the color of the object and those that are reflected cumulatively describe how you will perceive its color. This, however, is not the only part that defines what color you will see.

The reflected light falls on the lens of your eyes, gets refracted on to the retina (the inside of your eye) and an image is created depending on how the retina responds to this stimulus. If there is a problem with the lens or the retinal cells (as happens with color blind people), the image tends to get distorted.

Your ability to see and perceive different objects in your surroundings is a complex process that involves a perfect fit of several elements. So if you can see the vibrancy of things around you, you have plenty to be thankful for!

But as it happens with science, there are certain contradictory theories about light that attempt to explain the phenomenon differently. For instance, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe decided to illustrate the nature of colors, light and darkness through poetry. Although he made no effort to

explain the phenomenon through experiment, he got his point across to the relevant audience quite clearly.

According to Goethe, darkness is not merely the absence of light. Instead, it is a state in itself. The light and darkness interacts with each other to create the various colors and shades that we witness with our eyes. According to Goethe, the darker colors are when light fails to overcome darkness (darkness is the stronger element in the interaction) and the converse happens with light colors.

Irrespective of the way you try to explain how colors are deciphered by you or how they are formed, science has proven that colors (individual colors as well as certain combinations) have the tendency to heal the mind and the body. It is particularly amazing how the color therapy seems to work. Even more amazing is how the body reacts to the stimulus!

Green is possibly one of the most abundant colors in this world. Most of the plants are green – it is the green color which helps them survive. Not only this, there are quite a few variations of green according to the different plant species. For quite a few people, green is synonymous with peace, tranquility, nature and relaxation. No wonder people feel so good when they are out exploring the natural habitat of plant life (like parks, forests and other similar places).

More or less the same can be said about blue as well. The sky is blue and it keeps changing the color throughout the day. It starts with a pinkish, orange-ish and reddish tinge in the morning, turns impressive blue during the day, and becomes pinkish again during the evening before it ends up with a deep blue color during the night. The transition is heavenly and enchanting. Most people associate the day time with energy and the night time with relaxation. The colors play an important role in defining these emotions for people.

Here’s the catch; different colors may hold different meanings for people. It is a subjective perception. It is not only about your personal preferences and conditioning; it also involves the implication of your moods, emotions and other states of mind. Different people like different colors, and their preferences are likely to change over time. It is perfectly normal.

Colors can affect you in a number of ways. For instance, it can influence your moods and emotions. Likewise, it affects our sense of health and well-being as well. If you are sitting in a room with bland white walls and there is absolutely no other color anywhere, you will inevitably start

feeling bored, maybe even depressed. A room with blue walls generally looks “cooler” and “more relaxing”. Alternatively, red signified “warmth” and “extremity”. The colors tend to play an important role in determining your state of mind.

The more important part of this discussion is; colors help you heal. They have a symbolic interpretation that your subconscious mind processes without much effort. There are multiple ways you can use colors to inculcate healing.

For instance, you can opt to bathe yourself in the color that reciprocates with your emotional state. This will be an on spot decision depending on how you feel at any given moment. Since the light (or more like its components) is primarily composed of frequencies, your body will be able to absorb it and make use of it to improve your physical and mental state.

Alternatively, some professional authorities suggest that merely imagining the color on your body has more or less the same impact on your well-being. This, in my opinion, has its roots in the fact that when you are imagining the incidence of a particular color on your body, you are consciously altering your informational matrix. You make yourself believe the imagination is true and hence you are able to benefit from the same results as you would if you had actually been sitting under the lamp!

Wearing colored clothes or having your surroundings color-themed in a specific manner (like the walls of your room) will have similar effect on your body and mind though the intensity may not be as evident as in the previous two situations. But then again, alternative medicine is subjective in every way – what helps one person may not necessarily have the same impact on another. Similarly, color therapy may be beneficial for someone but not really so for everyone. On top of this, the choice of colors will also define whether the treatment will be effective or not.

Some people say that the colors a person wears or likes in general talks a lot about their personality. People who like wearing bright colors (like reds, oranges and yellows) would generally be more exciting and daring than others. Likewise, blues and greens will usually settle for a calm and peaceful life. Those who like pinks might be one of the emotional kinds while the white ones will have an open and flexible personality. These are all assumptions which may or may not stand true for the generalized population. Nevertheless, it talks a lot about the kind of responses you should expect from a person wearing a specific color!

On this note, however, there is a little contradiction because color choices evidently talk about your present state of mind as well. There can be no generalization. With alternative theories, there are quite a few assumptions and deductions but rarely any proven generalization that can be universally applied to everyone who walks this planet!

But, for the time being, let’s stay away from this debate and talk about how colors help you heal. They reciprocate with your inner frequencies. For the most part, colors communicate with your subconscious mind and your informational matrix. A part of the healing effect stems from your beliefs as well. It is about several pieces falling into place together to create the perfect environment for health and well-being.

Some of the colors used for healing include white, violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, magenta, pink, turquoise, brown, grey, black, gold, silver and copper. Which color connects with your Eigen depends on a number of internal and emotional factors. However, when you’ve been through color therapy, most patients talk about an inexplicable positive change to themselves.

Science is beginning to understand how psychological factors can be linked with physical and mental health. Alternative medicine has had the treatment in their books long before this! In fact, the Bioresonance LaesEr system also makes use of this phenomenon to hasten the healing process. The innovation makes use of LED glasses to emit light. The frequency is modulated artificially. However, the light emitting from the LED glasses is essentially of white color but the person undergoing treatment through Bioresonance will see specific colors and patterns that coincide with their internal state. These visualizations may be different for every person.

The patient closes his/her eyes and the frequencies then become active via the body. The primary receptor of the treatment is your skin. The latter half of this phenomenon cannot be logically explained through science but the reason you feel good is because color therapy alters your energy and informational realm. Spiritual energies have been mentioned previously; there is reason to believe this might be true in this case as well.

Actually, this phenomenon has been alive around us since the beginning but we haven’t really thought of it this way. Consider this; people find certain pieces of art more enticing than others because the colors used in creating these masterpieces “converse” with them. People find a change of environment infinitely more refreshing because it is a 360° change – from colors and sights to

sounds, smells and tastes! Colors have helped us connect with our Eigen and experience healing effects since the beginning. The medicinal use of color therapy is just beginning to gain grounds!

With that being said, it is safe to assume that colors do have healing powers. The choice of colors and their effects on people is subjective – everyone may not necessarily feel stimulated because of the color green or red. When and if you are trying to supplement your healing routines with color therapy, you’ll need more than just a therapist to figure out your color – you’ll need to be sensitive to your own body’s signals. The rest should be fine.

(Adapted from,,,,,, )

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Table Of Contents


The Science And Philosophy Of Health And Healing

The Healing Powers

The Healing Power – Vision

The Healing Power – Beauty

The Healing Power – Music

The Healing Power – Symbols

The Healing Power – Prayers

The Healing Power – Purpose

The Healing Power – Color


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