CFS, 16 months of suffering -2 months on the CoRe Fantastic results

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AFTER 16 months of suffering Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 2 months on the CoRe,  Fantastic results!!! mother talks about her daughters recovery with from CFS


Sonya  talks about her daughter…

at 13 years of age suffering from Chronic fatigue and doctors told her they could do nothing!!!!  that she would have to grow out of it!!!!

Their daughter was given a Tamiflu tablet and then not long after that she developed Chronic Fatigue…. their child was sick for 16 very very long months

She could not go to school she was so weak, she could not even travel in the car, as it caused her extreeme pain

They saw 45 doctors before coming to Katherine and then found relief within 2 months, and then  after 3 months of treatment she was  feeling so much better and back to school and then  on a school camp… fantastic results….

Below is an email from the mother of the child

Dear Katherine, Some information

My name is Sonya Davies and my daughter Claudia Kevin 13 developed Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue after being given a dose of Tamiflu 16 months ago. It took doctors a long time to diagnose her she had three hospital admissions finally spending two weeks being examined by the entire adolescent team at Monash she saw 5 teams and they came up with nothing except it could be emotional. I knew it was not I knew what had started her very serious decline but no doctor would agree. We then started looking for help and visited 45 practitioners every discipline. Eventually we had a referral top Katherine by this time Claudia had lost all hope and was very low emotionally she had endured hospitalisations being wheelchair bound as she could not walk suffered terrible seizures that made her whole body shake and we had had very little relief. When we first saw Katherine she said that the body had to fight back and the bugs hated that so she may get worse before she got better She did but every treatment she got better. She has just come back from a school camp in whioch she did the high ropes and canoeing and the leap of faith In 3 months my daughter has been returned to me thanks to the CoRe inergetics system and Katherines expert application. Everyone with a child with chronic fatigue should see Katherine as the longer you have this horrible condition the longer it takes to heal. We will continue to see Katherine to make sure that she remains stable. Thank you for ever Katherine

Regards, Sonya

contact Katherine at [email protected]


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I am sorry to inform you that I have broken-up business relations with Andrea Gadducci and his company Biot Srl.

After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.

Until we have decided this matter in court i have to warn you not to buy from Andrea - as these goods might be later declared as stolen and you might loose the money you spend.

However I can offer you to buy directly from me and get a 10% discount to what Andrea quotes you. Please contact me at [email protected]

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Kiran Schmidt