CoRe a key to understand ourselves and all that surrounds us

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My Understanding of CoRe

One can say that to understand Inergetix CoRe one must embrace the philosophy behind it. In fact, this incredible device is a tool used to heal people through the understanding of many possible causes of disease that are not easily reached by deductive reasoning. This leads us to the concept of DLE – Dynamic Labile Equilibrium which is based on the laws of polarity, defining that everything in our universe has a counterpart, an opposite.

Embracing these laws opens the door to understand the healing process behind CoRe – health is a condition promoted by change, the ability to be adaptable and active. Refusing this change and evolution through im-mobility leads to disease. In fact, when we allow our polarity/opposing forces to be balanced we create a state of “stagnation”, which will eventually lead to disease and death. For all these reasons, when someone gets sick we are left with one option: find a way to “reset”.

The deeper we merge into CoRe the more we understand about informational medicine. Many of us only acknowledge the existence of a material plane and an energetic one; however, alongside these levels information forms a third level of existence with its own laws that acts as a connection to both matter and energy. Since the beginning of time information has had an important role in medicine, in the form of shamanistic totems, rituals, symbols, words etc. Even the modern medicine uses information in the form of placebo effects.

A Therapist using CoRe must understand the power of information above all things and use it to help the patients recover from their conditions. This is where traditional medicine fails, because it clings too tightly to a cause – effect system, treating symptoms instead of treating the person as a whole. This is possible with CoRe because information is not ruled by time and space. Take for example homeopathy, prayer healing and psychology; they all work to some degree of information to achieve incredible results that our modern sciences can’t explain.

This is where we could “compare” living organisms to computers, which most problems are deficiencies with their software (information). The same happens every day to people. Most diseases are treated with substance, for every symptom there is a remedy, however, many times this is not true and those same symptoms/diseases are a result of a much more complex issue, which can only be treated via correct information and the understanding of the inner cause of the problem.

Inergetix CoRe gives us a person’s biofeedback, allowing us to comprehend the hidden connections between symptoms and causes that we usually are not aware of. This permits to make changes and rebalance the informational level so the person leaves his/her state of “stagnation” and “resets” his/her life according to it, resulting in a very efficient healing process.

As a result CoRe heals the whole to heal the “symptom”, not the other way around. This is possible by understanding the existence of our universe in a holographic perspective, where every part contains all other parts. Thus CoRe works both on the informational and energetic levels.

Knowledge is a powerful tool and we can start to scratch the surface of someone’s inner problems with informational medicine. Although CoRe is a very self sufficient tool which works to some degree on its own, but denying the importance of a good therapist with good understanding is a fool’s errand. In fact, the way I see it CoRe and all it represents is a way of life, a deeper connection between one’s self and the rest of the universe – a key to understand ourselves and all that surrounds us. If change and motion is health and evolution, “stasis” is death.

José Carlos Dias da Silva


About Author

Inergetix, Inc. founder and chief scientist.

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Dear Friends and Customers

I am sorry to inform you that I have broken-up business relations with Andrea Gadducci and his company Biot Srl.

After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.

Until we have decided this matter in court i have to warn you not to buy from Andrea - as these goods might be later declared as stolen and you might loose the money you spend.

However I can offer you to buy directly from me and get a 10% discount to what Andrea quotes you. Please contact me at [email protected]

Thank you for your support in this DLE

Kiran Schmidt