CoRe and Tarot de Marseille: A genuine shift in consciousness / information


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Most of the people have heard about the Tarot, and more specifically the Tarot the Marseille. I had the chance to be introduced to this technique about 25 years ago, by Andre Gobert, one of the top level European Tarot masters. I will not go into detail, but Tarot provides a very useful sets of techniques, enabling the user to link onto the information fields

Traditional Tarot readers tend to think of the number 22 as both the number of cards in the Major Arcana and the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet. The habit thus began to explain the Tarot by associating a Hebrew letter with each card.

In the end however, it is not the Tarot which is taught that way, but the Hebrew Kabbala. The Tarot is the Tarot and nothing else. It is not a kind of by-product derived from the Kabbala. The Tarot is a science of its own, an incredibly complex science.

Splendid research work has been achieved by Philippe Camoin, and of Alexandre Jodorowsky. The discovery of the Camoin Diagram will finally make it possible to return to the Tarot its former splendor. Actually, the number 22 does not appear written in roman numerals in the Tarot de Marseille. It stops at the number 21 with Arcanum XXI.

By placing the cards of the Tarot de Marseille according to a precise diagram, an extremely complex structure can be found, a structure composed of codes and laws. This esoteric structure uses hundreds of symbols which can be properly restored. This structure is not an imaginary structure. It consists of real, concrete and observable codes.

The Camoin diagram consists of a mandala consisting the Triple Septenaire accompanied by the Fool, which is apart and placed in the lower left. The Triple Septenaire is formed from three rows of seven cards stacked vertically. The bottom row goes from the Magician to the Chariot, the middle row from Justice to Temperance, and the top from the Devil to the World. The diagram consists also in a combination of codes which appear in the diagram and which are called the Camoin Codes.

There are several laws of the Tarot. Some of the notable ones:
the Law of Repetition, the Law of Two, the Law of Three, the Law of Four or the 3 + 1, the Law of the Extremities, the Law of Resemblance, the Law of the Regard, the Law of the Exception, the Law of Inversion and the Law of Proximity

Tarot cards should never be interpreted simply in isolation, as is usually the case (using the cards as archetypes), but as taking part in an interactive whole, bringing to a reading a plethora of supplementary information which it would be absolutely impossible to get with other methods. So also here, we are finding back the concept of information, as being the interactive key to energy, matter and the whole universe….

The problems of his past and the future, as well as how to resolve them (in order to transform his future) are the best information tools to the user. For the moment we are working on a system, using this knowledge in the CoRe system, adding even more accuracy.

The beauty of the Tarot de Marseille resides in the fact that it contains thousands of codes interconnecting with one another. And the observation of this structure makes possible a genuine shift in consciousness. The neuronal connections created through the observation of these codes allow a sort of organic computer program to develop which increases intelligence and connects us to the dimension of intuition….

Willy De Maeyer


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I am sorry to inform you that I have broken-up business relations with Andrea Gadducci and his company Biot Srl.

After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.

Until we have decided this matter in court i have to warn you not to buy from Andrea - as these goods might be later declared as stolen and you might loose the money you spend.

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