The 12 Core Dynamics of Common Problems TM


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Dear CoRe Inergetix Users and Practitioners:

This is an opportunity for you to take your practice to the next level and learn a new way to address your clients’ issues at the level they were originated.

The 12 Core Dynamics of Common Problems TM for Inergetix Users Practitioners

Through the Levels of Life Model TM, The 12 Core Dynamics of Common Problems TM, and three new simple but powerful remedy trays to add to your CoRe Inergetix System, you will have access to the level the problem was originated and the best way to guide your client/patient through their session.

The best part of it all… This program will help you go through your own process of awareness and cultivate the presence your clients need from you.

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What others are saying about this program…

“…What really surprised me is the power of knowing different methods and techniques, and being able to know which one to use for each consultant on their specific case.”

Dinah México, City

“I appreciate the clarity of your presentation, the most beneficial: The focusing on the ever deepening the center of the feeling. The process impressed me, it is very effective, I experienced deep transformation”

Rodiani Voreadou CoRe Inergetix Practitioner

“The biggest surprise was finding the edge of an energy field of a ‘problem ‘ and going beyond it and seeing that there was nothing out there at all”

Sarah Gibbons

The 12 Core Dynamics of Common Problems TM for Inergetix Users Practitioners

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Our next program starts on Thursday, October 8th from 10:00 am to 11:30 am PT, in an ongoing webinar series on a weekly basis of 6 weeks.

To receive a recording of the introductory class and information on pricing and how to register e-mail me at [email protected]


They are habits that are at the basis of our pre-verbal and pre-cognitive human conditioning

The reason they are pre-verbal and pre-cognitive is because when we were very little, at the age where language had not been developed, we made lots of feeling level decisions that cannot be accessed through words.


The ACE Study reveals that Adverse Childhood Experiences have a powerful relationship with adult physical and emotional health, major illness, and even early death.

This study, merely confirms what many of us who work in the Healing Arts have known intuitively for a long time: emotional problems are often the reason behind psychological and physiological problems.

As shown in the chart below, adverse childhood experiences lead to increasingly poor health and physical challenges. What is not known, until now, is how to resolve the damage caused by the adverse childhood experiences.

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1“The Relation Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adult Health: Turning Gold into Lead,” by Vincent Felitti, M.D.

The 12 Core Dynamics of Common Problems Model TM and the 8 Pure Awareness Techniques TM come to action when we face this question… If the body has the capacity to healing itself, why is this not the case with  mental/emotional trauma of this adverse childhood experiences?

The pre-verbal and pre-cognitive feeling level decisions that we made when we were very young set us up to try to escape from the pain created by the residual effects of unresolved traumas. This is an act of escaping an uncompleted energetic cycle that prevents us from self-healing. In fact, as adults, we don’t even remember those childhood decisions so we are quietly run by their effects.

The Core Dynamics insights are the basis for a new way of understanding how our unresolved past emotional conflicts continue to limit our present life. They are a set of conditioned responses under whose invisible influence almost all of us operate without even knowing it.

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Adriana Bacelis, her background and expertise in the field of Education, makes her sensitive to anyone experiencing blockages at the Bio-energetical level, mastering the WaveMaker by transforming patterns of energy and information that can be causing a disruption in the human body and also at the Bio-Awareness level, as a Core Dynamics Coach, Vaporize your Anxiety and Vaporize your ADD-ADHD Coach, she is also a participant in the Train The Trainers Program to become a Certified Great Life Coach.

Her experience includes 10 years in the field of Family coaching, a Master’s Degree in Education, Member of the Bioresonance and Biofeedback Association, Resonance RepatterningTM, the Mastery of Energy and Informational Medicine through Inergetix Inc., Living your Design through Inner Human Design, approaching the Parenting field through Human Software Engineering by teaching parents all over the world on how to get out of their own way to be the presence their kids need to grow in a loving way.

Her mission is to walk people through the delightful and wonder of new possibilities, by helping them discover and solve their inner fears and identifications. As a certified coach in many areas along with her expertise she welcomes you to join the adventure of living free from the Dynamics by transforming the habits and patterns of energy and information that hold you back from having the life you want.

Her fluency in Spanish and English has helped to spread the word about Human Software Engineering though out the United States’ Spanish speaking communities and México.

Remember… Our next program starts on Thursday, October 8th from 10:00 am to 11:30 am PT, in an ongoing webinar series on a weekly basis of 6 weeks.

For those of you who have already participated in this program, don’t forget that you can retake it at absolutely no cost!!!

To receive a recording of the introductory class and information on pricing and how to register e-mail me at [email protected]

Ask about how you can become a Core Dynamics Coach

[email protected]

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Dear Friends and Customers

I am sorry to inform you that I have broken-up business relations with Andrea Gadducci and his company Biot Srl.

After years of paying commissions for software and hardware they have now informed me that they consider both to be their property - which according to their lawyer Guliano Lemme also includes the Inventory of Inergetix products that I had stored at their Rome office and for which I paid rent since it was moved there in June 2018 from Germany.

Until we have decided this matter in court i have to warn you not to buy from Andrea - as these goods might be later declared as stolen and you might loose the money you spend.

However I can offer you to buy directly from me and get a 10% discount to what Andrea quotes you. Please contact me at [email protected]

Thank you for your support in this DLE

Kiran Schmidt